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On June 1st, 2017, Tetra Pak the world’s leading food processing and packaging solutions company is, joining the rest of the world, celebrating the 17th annual World Milk Day today. Tetra Pak promotes the consumption of safe packaged milk all over the world. By developing and implementing awareness campaigns publicizing the nutritional value of milk. Along with listing the benefits of consuming safe packed milk and the hazards of consuming loose milk.
In 2001, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) selected June 1st as World Milk Day, which celebrates the important contributions of the dairy sector to sustainability, economic development, livelihoods and nutrition. With each passing year, the number of countries participating in World Milk Day has increased, to reflect ever growing interest in adopting healthier lifestyles.
Tetra Pak focuses on highlighting the importance of consuming safe packed milk, as opposed to lose or untreated milk. By nature, milk is a sensitive product. It is highly vulnerable to contamination if it is not handled properly during collection and transportation,
It is worth noting that, packed milk is tested before reception at the customer factories and only good quality milk is accepted. The milk is then exposed to the UHT process which eliminates bacteria and the six-layered carton keeps out sun, light, and air which makes UHT milk safe.
The Ultra High Treatment (UHT) process, exposes milk to extremely-high temperatures, at 135°C for 3-4 seconds, and is then immediately cooled. This process kills any bacteria whilst keeping the milk’s natural nutrients. Afterwards the milk is safely packed in Tetra Pak’s six-layer package without the need to add any additives or preservatives.
Milk contains 18 of the 22 nutrients necessary for a daily intake. It is rich in essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, D and B12, as well as minerals such as; potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and protein. Studies have shown that a low intake of milk or milk related products increases the risk of osteoporosis, resulting from calcium deficiency, obesity and tooth decay.
Loose milk is sold untreated and unpacked. It is usually collected in unsterilized containers without refrigeration and sold in a jar or plastic bag. It exposed to pollution, sun, and all types of bacteria, and in some cases, unhealthy additives are added it to prolong its life. Boiling the milk at home does not kill all the bacteria or remove the additives.